Seven Blind Mice
by Ed Young
This is a wonderful story in which seven blind mice relate their experiences with a strange "something". Each day one mouse goes to explore the mysterious object and returns to describe it. Together they try to determine what it is, but since each has experienced a different part, they are stumped. Each mouse is a different color and goes out on a different day of the week, which provides some nice opportunities to help children recreate the story sequence. The last mouse is able to put together the pieces and help his friends understand how they fit together.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
by Eric Carle

A caterpillar hatches from an egg and begins to eat. It eats its way through the days of the week with a different food on each day until it is time to build its cocoon. Each picture of what the caterpillar eats has an actual hole through the paper. On the last page, a butterfly emerges to the delight of all the young children listening to this classic story. Story sequence and the days of the week can be studied using this book as a springboard, and children will want to hear it and view the captivating illustrations over and over again.

Cookie's Week
by Cindy Ward
Illustrated by Tomie dePaola
A simple story about a kitten's antics is organized by the days of the week. Each day Cookie has another cheerful mishap, illustrated with charming pictures by the well-loved Tomie dePaola. At the end of the story, This is an easy reader that can be used to teach days of the week.
Story Props for Seven Blind Mice, The Hungry Caterpillar and Cookie's Week
I was unable to find inexpensive colored mice for Seven Blind Mice, so am suggesting a pom-pom animal book with materials to make your own .