Friday, October 3, 2008

"Jack the Builder" and "98,99,100, Ready or Not, Here I Come!"

Jack the Builder (MathStart 1) by Stuart Murphy
Jack is a boy playing with blocks and counting them as he builds. Instead of starting from the beginning to count how many blocks are in his construction, Jack "counts on" beginning where he left off, which can be a difficult concept for young children. Counting on is essential for efficient addition. Kids love to build and will enjoy this math lesson.

98, 99, 100! Ready or Not, Here I Come! (Hello Reader! Math, Level 2)
by Teddy Slater
Hide-and-Seek is still a popular game for children, and it presents an ideal opportunity to apply counting skills. In this story, the youngest child slowly counts to 100, and while waiting for her to get there, the older children play "speed" hide-and-seek by counting by 2's, by 5's and finally by 10's. On each page, numbers show where Maggie is on her way to 100, illustrating "counting on". No props are needed to play hide-and-seek and practice oral counting.

Story Props for "Jack the Builder" and "98,99,100 Ready or Not, Here I Come!"

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